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Are soft skills quintessential for your job?

Soft Skills are skills that are often cultivated within us from the environment that we are at rather than through education. Skills such as communication skills, team working ability, critical thinking, leadership ability, time management, emotional intelligence, etc. That puts a question in front of us, “Are they as important as your technical skills to…

How important is attire for an interview?

There is no one who doesn’t like it to be well dressed and good looking. Everyone instantly likes the one that is well-dressed. Days are gone when people have used dresses just to cover themselves. These days dresses and attire are seen as a way of life. Now, the lifestyle and attitude of one can…

What is Recruitment Automation and How effective is it?

RECRUITMENT AUTOMATION The Recruitment Automation is a process that employs technology to allow the recruiters to automate the process of recruitment, thereby enhancing the productivity of the recruiters, increasing the quality of hire, time and cost spent on recruitment. It falls under the category of Software as a Service. What is the technology stack?Artificial Intelligence…

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