How important is attire for an interview?

There is no one who doesn’t like it to be well dressed and good looking. Everyone instantly likes the one that is well-dressed. Days are gone when people have used dresses just to cover themselves. These days dresses and attire are seen as a way of life. Now, the lifestyle and attitude of one can easily be predicted by the way they dress and look. Hence, looks and attire have become a major concern in interviews. No matter what role or designation one is going to be interviewed, it is preferred to look clean, tidy and polished.

Professional attire is expected from all the candidates during interviews. Let’s see few of the professional attires that are best suited for men and women.

  1. Best outfits for men

Men can go with mild dark coloured formal shirts with shoes on. It is preferred to tuck in the shirts and roll down the sleeves and button it. Wearing a watch and tie will make you look more professional. Comb your hair and avoid funny or trendy hair styles and hair colors. Make sure you have shaved your beard and trimmed your mustaches. Avoid too tight outfits.

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  1. Best outfits for women

Women can wear tops and pants that look professional or a shirt and a pant or can go in a saree or in any office wear. Wearing leggings, jeans, fancy clothes should be strictly avoided. Bands, fancy earrings, trendy hair colors, etc. should also be avoided. Girls should also equally concentrate on their hair style and make sure it is looking neat. Avoid wearing too much jewellery to interviews.

In addition to the outfit, your posture,


  1. Always iron your clothes before an interview.
  2. Polish your shoes.
  3. Button the shirt properly.
  4. See that the buckles of your belt, the column of shirt buttons and zipper of your pants lie in a straight line.
  5. Wear a mild perfume(if you are not allergic to it)
  6. Check your shirt collars if they are fine.
  7. Check if your watch is good and showing the right time.
  8. Maintain a fresh breath.
  9. Wear a blazer if you have one.
  10. The sleeves of your shirt should only expose your wrist partly.


  1. Never attend an interview with messy hair
  2. Avoid distracting patterned shirts.
  3. Don’t wear too tight outfits.
  4. Don’t forget to wear socks.
  5. Don’t roll up your pants.
  6. Avoid untucked shirts.
  7. Do not wear too bright colored dresses.
  8. Never wear big earrings, rings and jewellery.
  9. Don’t wear t-shirts, jeans and sneakers.
  10. Never wear unwashed clothes or socks.

Before attending or going to an interview, check if your attire meets all the above points. It is always better and safe if you follow all these even when you attend a virtual interview.


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